I wrote this post as a reference for myself. Maybe you'll find it useful as well.

Project set up

pyenv install --list
pyenv install 3.12.2

pyenv virtualenv 3.12.2 my-awesome-project

cd projects
mkdir my-awesome-project
cd my-awesome-project

pyenv local my-awesome-project

Project tear down

cd projects/my-awesome-project

pyenv local --unset
pyenv uninstall my-awesome-project

cd ..
rm -r my-awesome-project


The complete pyenv command reference list can be found here.


pyenv commands

# List all available pyenv commands.
pyenv help

# List all available pyenv commands along with a brief description of what they do
pyenv help <command>

# Display help for a specific command.
# pyenv help install
pyenv install --list

# List all available version of Python, including Anaconda, Jython, pypy, and stackless.
pyenv install <version>

# Install the latest version in a specific version line or a specific version.
# pyenv install 3.12 | pyenv install 3.12.2
pyenv uninstall <version>

# Uninstall the specific version (or env).
# pyenv uninstall 3.12.2 | pyenv uninstall my-env
pyenv version

# Display the currently active Python version.
pyenv versions

# List all Python versions known to pyenv.
pyenv global <version>

# Set the global version.
# pyenv global 3.12.2
pyenv local <version>

# Set the version (or env) for the current directory.
# pyenv local 3.12.2 | pyenv local my-env
pyenv local --unset

# Unset the version (or env) for the current directory.


pyenv virtualenv <version> <environment>

# Create a new virtual environment with a specific version of Python.
# pyenv virtualenv 3.12.2 my-env
pyenv virtualenv <environment>

# Create a virtual environment for the current pyenv Python version.
# pyenv virtualenv my-env